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Chairman's Statement

Chairman's Statement


We are a company High Chemicals Market (HIGHCHEM) was founded in 2007 and we are working in the field of food, pharmaceutical and industrial chemical raw materials.

Began HIGHCHEM in the Egyptian market activity limited then began to expand and spread on the axes, the vertical axis (increasing the number of raw materials) and the horizontal axis (increasing the number of companies) to become one of the major Egyptian companies in the field of importing, trading and distribution of raw materials of chemical factories and companies in Egypt.

The company sells a large number of raw materials such as ( glycerol, Vaseline, vitamin C, paraffin oil, Cacao, sorbetol, all kinds of solvents,………….. and other raw materials more than 300 species of which are dealt

The company also provides refractory to many sectors of industry, such as (human drugs, veterinary medicines, beauty and Industries Of cheese, sweets, drinks, juices, meat, Paints, weaving……. and other industries. Also enjoys the company the existence of a system and accounting programs as an integrated and accurate based on the accumulated experience of scientific, technical and administrative for the owner of the company and team work

The company relies on a wide range of suppliers and manufacturers of major companies and factories International

It also targets of HIGHCHEM access to our customers of the status of full satisfaction and access to our customers for excellence in the performance of their duties by the quality of the product provided and the cost is low, as well as through the provision of technical and scientific solutions to customers.

In order to achieve these tasks recruited every thought and energies that we have to serve the customer and make us our motto, we support you for a better life